
2021_08_NEJM: Empagliflozin in Heart Failure with a Preserved Ejection Fraction
Empagliflozin use in HFpE.

2022_11_Lancet: Intravenous ferric derisomaltose in patients with heart failure and iron deficiency in the UK (IRONMAN): an investigator-initiated, prospective, randomised, open-label, blinded-endpoint trial
IV Iron use in HFrEF.

2005_05_NEJM: Infliximab for Induction and Maintenance Therapy for Ulcerative Colitis
Infliximab induction. Mayo Score for UC

2015_04_NEJM: Prednisolone or Pentoxifylline for Alcoholic Hepatitis
Pentoxifylline did not improve survival in patients with alcoholic hepatitis.

2002_07_Gastroenterology: Erythromycin intravenous bolus infusion in acute upper gastrointestinal bleeding: A randomized, controlled, double-blind trial
IV Erythromycin before emergency endoscopy improves quality of endoscopy

2007_08_Clinical_Infectious_Diseases: A comparison of vancomycin and metronidazole for the treatment of Clostridium difficile-associated diarrhea, stratified by disease severity
Vancomycin and Metronidazole equally effective in C.diff infection

2010_04_NEJM: Infliximab, Azathioprine, or Combination Therapy for Crohn’s Disease(SONIC)

2008_02_Lancet: Early combined immunosuppression or conventional management in patients with newly diagnosed Crohn’s disease: an open randomised trial
Infliximab and azathioprine combination better than monotherapy with steroids

2007_06_Ann_Intern_Med: Adalimumab Induction Therapy for Crohn Disease Previously Treated with Infliximab
Adalimumab as second agent when infliximab non-responding

2019_09_NEJM: Vedolizumab versus Adalimumab for Moderate-to-Severe Ulcerative Colitis
Vedolizumab superior to adalimumab (but not corticosteroid-free clinical remission)

Study NameAuthor and YearType of Study and Sample SizeTreatment and DurationStudy Endpoint and Primary OutcomeResults
Study 1Author A (2020)Randomized Controlled Trial (n=100)Drug A, 6 monthsEndpoint X, Outcome YSignificant improvement in Y
Study 2Author B (2019)Cohort Study (n=200)Treatment B, 1 yearEndpoint Z, Outcome WNo significant change in W
Study 3Author C (2021)Case-Control Study (n=150)Intervention C, 3 monthsEndpoint Y, Outcome ZOutcome Z improved by 15%
Study 4Author D (2018)Cross-Sectional Study (n=250)Lifestyle change, 6 weeksEndpoint A, Outcome BMinor improvement in B
Study 5Author E (2022)Meta-Analysis (n=10 studies)Various, Duration variesEndpoint C, Outcome DOverall positive trend in D